"The coolest blog ever!" -Emma Rose "Inspiring" -Emma Rose "Funny" -Emma Rose "The only blog I read!" -Emma Rose "I simply adore it!" -Emma Rose "When I reach one thousand page views I will be so excited I might just give away an EPIC Prize!" -Emma Rose

Saturday, April 2, 2011


This post is to say yay! 
I now have four followers, 
I love you Taylor 
and Cody 
and Danielle 
and Janessa!  
I am so happy now! 

P.S. That is not a poem it just looked all lonely all alone and sad like it was so I pressed enter a whole bunch!


  1. Dearest Emma,
    Since I'm currently following your blog,
    Could you please, please, pleeeeeeeeez follow my blog :)

    Loveth Koddie
