"The coolest blog ever!" -Emma Rose "Inspiring" -Emma Rose "Funny" -Emma Rose "The only blog I read!" -Emma Rose "I simply adore it!" -Emma Rose "When I reach one thousand page views I will be so excited I might just give away an EPIC Prize!" -Emma Rose

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chubby Dress!

      Alrighty, my lovelys, I worked on my dress!  As it turns out it is a very chubby dress, that is it all splayed out on my living room floor (to the other left)!  It kinda gives you a feel of how wide it is, eh? So the floral over thing is actually an apron, it is connected, but only at the top.  

     It is extremely flowy and I will have to take it in a little bit so that I do not look crazyly chubby in it.  But I will finish it later tonight so that I can wear it for my Easter dress.  

     Monday I will show you my finished dress, I will also begin showing you the shirts I have made over my sewing sprees.  There is a lot of variety through them.  I was also thinking about making some stuff with duck tape.  What say you? 

     Paalam (that is farewell in Filipino), I'll post again soon!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Post Script.

     I know that last post looked really weird.  I had to many pictures and it would not let me do what I wanted.  That was a little something called justification.  If you were wondering.

Look! It's hair!

     Hey my peoples!   This morning I completed some flowers so I decided to show them to you these lovely flowers!   This orange-y one is a bunch of fake flowers pulled apart and then put back together with a brad.   The other three are long strips of fabric gathered into a circle and sewed in together.   These flowers are super easy, pretty cheap and I find them fun.   I also found that I just sound like a advertisement right there.   They also make my hair look nice. 
     Anyway, once again I have made absolutely no head way with my dress.  I will work on it really hard tomorrow so that it will actually be finished in time.  I will now leave you to enjoy the artistic arrangement of pictures of my head.  Näkemiin (that means goodbye in Finnish).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


     This marvelous little skirt is not entirely homemade, and it is not entirely a skirt!  It is technically a skooter, however, it is more commonly known as a skort.  Meaning it has a lovely pair of shorts attached!  You see, I made some white shorts a while ago and they are super see through!  So I do not like to wear them.  

     The skirt itself is actually a shirt I bought last week, the pocket is the top of it, I cut it off then made an adorable pocket!  It was much fun, much much fun.  It didn't even require a pattern! 

     Anyway, I did not do anything with my dress, sorry, my Mother is getting annoyed at me about it.  But fear not!  It will be finished in time!

     Love you, my peeps.  See you tomorrow!

Monday, April 18, 2011

It is frilly!

     Alright my peeps, sorry that I have not posted in a while, it was Spring Break (I probably said that already) and I was busy.  But I did create this beautiful skirt!  It is frilly, in case you did not get that from the title!  Anyway, it is one of the two things I was making from all those pattern pieces from last post (did I tell you I freaking hate patterns?)  I do really like this skirt though, cause it has POCKETS!!!  If you don't know, pockets are what makes skirts cool.  Officially making this skirt cool.  

     I have also been working on the Easter dress, however it is super a lot harder then I usually do.  So that should take a couple to a few more days.  But, in case you are wondering, I am nearly done with the front of the bodice.  After I finish the bodice it should go a lot faster though.  The rest of it is not hard. 

     I now bid adieu.  Farewell... in French.  Have a good life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lovely Torture

     Heyo, my minions! I have been very busy lately, that is because I am on spring break, I do not know if I mentioned that.  This is why I have not been posting everyday.  
     Anyway, between last post and this post I went to Wally World, bought thread, and cut out every piece I will need for my dress and my skirt.  I hate patterns.  HATE!  But the torturous part is now over and I just have to sew them together!  That is my favorite part.  The picture you see (right, in case you thought it was the other one) is all the pattern pieces artfully arranged in a collage of past torture, future items of clothing (in case you didn't get that last part.  Just thought I would make sure).
     I will now exit this website.  Adieu kind posse.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grr... Patterns

     Alright everybody! I forgot to say this in the last post, but I went to Hobby Lobby again today, and I bought all the fabric necessary to make one dress, and one skirt! The dress (right) is an adorable dress with an apron in front! It is kind of a weird idea, but I think that I can make it look super cute! It will be about knee length and I think this will be my official Easter dress!

     P.S.  The floral would be the apron and the green would be the dress.  It should be finished in a week.

      The one on the left is going to be a skirt, its picture is the one closer to this writing on the pattern.  The lacy stuff you can barely see is going to be on the bottom and the rickrack is going to accent the pockets.  I think that this is going to be super duper cute.

     I have to go now because Mikenna (my little brothers betrothed) is telling me to get off so she can go to bed.  So good bye again.  Tell me how you like my fabric choices! If you hate them that is just to bad for you because I can't take them back!

Pants... and Global Warming.

      Hello my lovely followers, I am sorry I have not posted in a couple days, our "cousins" (they actually have no relation to us, whatsoever) have been here and I have been busy.  Also, these were supposed to be shorts days, but it is snowing.  Right now.... So here are some beautiful pictures of my pants.  They are awesomely green and comfy.  There are also two pictures of it because I was not sure if the first one worked out. So, to the right you see all of me.  And down there you see my pants.  They are really quite nice.  Now, I am rambling.  Why am I rambling?  Because I am crazy tired.  I plan on sleeping a lot this coming week though because it is spring break.  It is also snowing.  Why is this happening?  Well, because of global warming.  Because global warming is the cause of all weather irregularities.

     If you look closely at my wrist in the picture to the right, you will see a band-aid.  Under this band-aid is a nasty burn.  It used to have a blister on it, then the blister ripped, then my Father cruelly ripped off the skin that was previously my blister.  I just had to complain about that to somebody.  I am sorry if it disgusted you. 

     Monday I will start shorts.  I promise I will be much better at blogging next week, because I really was horrible this week. 

     I will miss you, minions, farewell. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

     Hay everybody! This is the skirt that I made this past day or so.  It is not quite finished yet, but it is all fancy and  has a zipper! I think that when I am done with it, it should be super cute. 

     As you may be able to see in this lovely picture I am wearing wickedly attractive socks! I found them on my floor and I put them on my feet! then I wore them to PE. 

     Tomorrow we will be beginning the four days of SHORTS! Because it is almost spring and I am so freaking excited to be able to wear them again!!!  I am going to make some of those as well, I have already picked out the fabric that will be used in them, it is EXTREMELY attRACTIVE!!! You should be very excited.

     Alright lovelies, I am leaving now.  Please tell me below if this is a Scottish skirt, of a Christmas skirt.  Love you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


     Alright minions! Today I show you low skirts. They are not nearly as cute as the high ones...

     <--- This is like the super cutest low skirt ever.  My Mommy said that it would look like a tablecloth... I don't think it does do you?  Anyway, it is slightly too short but I have no idea how to lengthen it without decutefying it.  Who says I make it into skort!  Then I could be like an elementary school child again!
     Now, below is my much less attractive, super easy skirt.  It is just elastic.  It cost one dollar.  This makes it the most expensive item of clothing on the entire page.  I enjoyed making it though, it was like sew... sew... measure... sew... try on... done!  So, although it is the most expensive thing on this page thus far, it was by far the easiest thing.  
      The shirt and necklace are hand me downs (very, very good way to get clothing, by the way.)  The way I put them on made me happy, so I did a close up of my face.  It was much like giving myself a glamor shot.  I had a very hard time making it work right, and not look like I was taking the picture myself, because taking glamor shots yourself is a very cliche teenage girl thing to do.  As you may know, that is not what I like to do.

    Farewell my lovelies.  I am going to Hobby Lobby.  


Monday, April 4, 2011


     Hello everybody! All six of you are awesome!  Alright, today I am going to write about skirts.  I just had to clarify that, just in case the title got you all confused.  I was also thinking about switching from an Easter dress to an Easter skirt.  Anyway, I have made four skirts that are actually cute, today I will show you the high-waisted ones. 

     <--- This one is my second favorite.  It is nice and blue and there are a whole bunch of little shapes in it.  They are circles, squares and triangles and it is super fun to find faces in them.  This skirt was previously my trek skirt.  I modified it slightly.  I hope you could tell, because a couple people thought that I wore it like that for trek.  Anywho, it was super easy to make and entirely free! Plus, it was recycled.  Haha, Emma Rose goes green!
     That one down there is my favorite skirt like ever.  It is  a black and white striped pencil skirt that was previously a bed sheet.  My Mother used part of the sheet for my little brothers fort.  Then I found it! I got super excited and made that skirt, some shorts and a satchel.  Yes, I believe that satchel is the correct word for it I shall post a picture of it, later. 

    I have decided to make a skirt in the next couple of days to go along with the lovely theme of skirts.  I will post it in a couple of days, after I post my low skirts tomorrow.  Love you all!  (Yay! I can say that now!)  

     P.S.  GO AMANDA (my newest follower)! YOU GET A SQUIGGLE. ~

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hurray for Heather!

P.S. This is just so that Heather won't feel all left out of my last post, so she better appreciate it!

p.p.s. Sewing!


This post is to say yay! 
I now have four followers, 
I love you Taylor 
and Cody 
and Danielle 
and Janessa!  
I am so happy now! 

P.S. That is not a poem it just looked all lonely all alone and sad like it was so I pressed enter a whole bunch!


     Hey nobody, I went fabric shopping just now.  I decided that Walmart has a horrible selection of overpriced fabrics.  There were a few that were super cute, but they were cotton, and if I am going to make a dress I need something floppier then cotton.  So I ended up not getting any fabric.  I also didn't make anything because I was busy all day. 

     So farewell my blog people, see you tomorrow, or maybe Monday if I decide to skip Sundays.

     P.S. This looks like a super short post, It actually is not much shorter then any of my other posts, but there is no picture because I have absolutely nothing to show you today.  Dearly sorry my peeps.  Adieu. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hey again team...

     Hey people of my blog, I did not buy any floral fabric for my Easter dress.... For this I am dearly sorry, but I did decide to make a different dress.  The picture is of the fabric I plan on using for the main part and the accents.  I seem to say fabric a lot.  It is not a very pretty word....  If you like that fabric please tell me! Unless I continue to have zero followers.  Then I will be sad.  
     Anyway, today I wore my cheetah print shirt.  I love it!  Maybe I should post a picture of it for you to enjoy.  Eh, I will later, I don't like uploading pictures and I already have once today. 
     Well, I am going to go act like a hermit crab now.  I will miss you all unbearably.