"The coolest blog ever!" -Emma Rose "Inspiring" -Emma Rose "Funny" -Emma Rose "The only blog I read!" -Emma Rose "I simply adore it!" -Emma Rose "When I reach one thousand page views I will be so excited I might just give away an EPIC Prize!" -Emma Rose

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Totally boring stats that no one wants to read but that I love so I am posting them.

     So... guess what my blog is international! It actually has been for like ever. But I am just now posting about it.  Today it has been viewed 22 times.  Twenty times were at one o' clock.  It has been viewed by people in: United State, Malaysia, Germany, France, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, India, Japan, and Ukraine.  It was viewed 4 times in March, 225 times in April, 182 times in May, and 265 times so far in June.  This comes out to a grand total of 676 page views.
     So thank you, thank you for being totally bipolar and randomly checking my blog.  It means a lot to me.  It also means that most of my blog checkers are school children who have to study for finals and what not.  I love you all.  Except Heather.  I don't love her at all.

We Sewed a Butterfly!

     Alright, you know how like a month ago I posted about sewing lessons? Yeah, well we had another today.  I taught Abby how to sew on buttons.  Then I asked her what she wanted to make.  Answer: Butterfly headband.  Incorporate buttons and you get a butterfly clip with buttons instead of a head.  It ended up pretty attractive.  A lot more attractive then I originally thought actually... I might just have to make one. A much smaller one though, because, as we all know, I am not flashy.  Just joking.  I am extraordinarily flashy.  I try very hard to do that.  Just joking.  I hardly try at all, it just happens.  
     Anywho, I was thinking that I would make a nice white skirt.  With, like, eyelets and lacy stuff and whatnot.  To bad I am totally broke... my birthday is soon though.  So I will make it eventually.  So... I gotta go, so lates, see ya, bye, Mi Rámánvarrott Pillangó!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Emma The Butcher!!!

     Alright, guess what I did?  I butchered my dress! Then I reassembled it as this beautiful skirt! I think it is quite attractive!  Anywho, I really enjoy this skirt.  I am going to wear it on Sunday, to church.  Yup.  Definitely.  
     Anyway, I am going to my friends birthday party and I did not feel like going to the store.  Why not you ask?  Well, because I am lazy and don't like actually looking around for stuff and whatnot.  So! I made a sock monkey.  Yes. That is what I did.  I actually ended up having to go to the store anyway for stuffing and socks.  So I trekked to Walmart, and found stuffing which I proceeded to carry around the store in a quest for knee socks.  News flash: Cedar Hills Walmart does not freaking carry knee socks!!!  I was so wierded out that I came home and informed my mother, she handed me some of her socks and I butchered those as well.  I seem to butcher a lot of stuff in this post.  That's why I changed the title.  Anyway, I need to go stop my brother from killing the sock monkey.  See ya, 艾瑪屠夫!  Have fun being human!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Quilting Skills

     Okay, so it just so happens that I am nearly out of fabric and entirely to poor to buy anymore!  So I am "making" my own fabric.  Making my fabric consists of cutting squares out of scraps of fabric that I have and sewing them together to make larger pieces of fabric.  Also known as: quilting.  Really cruddy quilting, but quilting nonetheless.  Yes, that word is real.  Anyway, so here is a nice picture of what I have so far.  It's pretty attractive, eh?  Hehe, I'm Canadian.  No offense to any Canadians who read this blog. Just kidding, there are no Canadians who read my blog! I don't think....  Anyway, so I am planning on making this particular piece of "quilt" into a skirt.  It is going to be a cool skirt.  I just decided.  it has been decided.... Well, today is the first official day of summer, so see ya.  Moj prošivanje vještine!  Have a good day!  Happy summer!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


     Alrighty everybody, I took pictures of Socks.  It is actually quite difficult to take pictures of sock monkeys, in case you were wondering.  This one on the right is a nice close up of her face.  You can kind of see her belly button!  The one below is another close up of her face.  The flash is not on though, so the colors are not distorted.  The other one, the one above, is a nice full body shot.  It's so that you can actually see what she looks like!  She looks kind of dead... on another note!  Her left leg is by far my favorite leg.  Maybe even my favorite limb!

Jailstripes revisited... and sock monkeys.

     Yeah, I know I already posted this skirt.  But I then decided I didn't like it.  So I unsewed basically the entire thing and redid it.  The only difference you guys can really see is the lace I added to the bottom.  The back has been completely revamped.  But you never saw it originally so you wouldn't be able to see the improvements anyway.  Just trust me that it looks a ton better this way, and it's slightly looser to.  Though I don't actually know how that happened.
     On a funner and far more entertaining note, I made a sock monkey.  I think I am going to call her Socks.  I know that is not very original, but it is better then Steve.  Steve the eye-patched, sometimes female sock monkey.  Mine is far more attractive then Steve.  Steve should be intimidated by Socks.  Anywho, I wanted to post pictures, but the camera seems to have disappeared.  Actually I know exactly where it is.  It is in the car which has been taken by my mother and younger brother.  As soon as they get back I will post pictures of Socks.
     Anyway, I am now done posting.  Jela kupigwa upya ... sock na nyani.  Have a good day.  I'll post more very, very soon.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Family Reunion!

     Alright, I don't know how many of you guys read that last post, but here is what happened at my family reunion, we had a talent show.  My talent was sewing.  So I put on clothing I had sewn and danced around like a crazy person with my cousins. I had my parents take pictures of us... so here they are! 
     To the left, and below you will see the first outfits we wore.  They are worn by me, and my cousins Willa and Evan.  I have no idea why Evan agreed to be in my talent... none whatsoever.
     Below are the second outfits worn, only me and Willa are in that one because Evan refused to wear a skirt!  He appeared in it twice, the second time he did wear a skirt... that was contradictory, but I don't know where that picture went... never mind.  I found it.  It shall be posted below!
    Alright, here are our third and final outfits.  Willa designed her entire outfit and I helped her make it so it wouldn't fall off of her.  It ended up pretty attractive wouldn't you agree?  I would.  Because agreeing with myself is fun!
     If you can see all the way down at the bottom of these two pictures there is another picture, this one is of Evan in his beautiful dress, recovering from his theatrical fall.  He is surprisingly talented at falling theatrically!  Now scroll down... down... down! 
      Alright, right below this paragraph is a picture of two far shorter cousins all dressed up and kind of dancing with me.  They were very sad that they were not included in the "fashion show" so they dressed up slightly after we finished and danced around a little.  It was basically adorable.
      Anyway, I'm going to go watch Dark Night.  Have fun doing what you do.  שניט ווייַזן!  Love you all!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family Reunion!

     Guess what?  It's summer!!! Yes.  Summer.  This means I am going to be super busy.  So just for your information, I am not going to be posting until at least next Monday, the thirteenth.  So... on with the post!

     So, I am going to a family reunion at which we have to show talents.  I, as the basically completely untalented girly, am going to put on clothing that I have sewed and dance around to my cousin Evans ukelele playing.  I think that it is going to be a super cool thing.  I will post about it when we get back (I'll make sure someone takes pictures of it).  

     Anyway, I am very excited and should probably go pack now, so later! Ricongiungimento familiare!  Love you!