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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family Reunion!

     Guess what?  It's summer!!! Yes.  Summer.  This means I am going to be super busy.  So just for your information, I am not going to be posting until at least next Monday, the thirteenth.  So... on with the post!

     So, I am going to a family reunion at which we have to show talents.  I, as the basically completely untalented girly, am going to put on clothing that I have sewed and dance around to my cousin Evans ukelele playing.  I think that it is going to be a super cool thing.  I will post about it when we get back (I'll make sure someone takes pictures of it).  

     Anyway, I am very excited and should probably go pack now, so later! Ricongiungimento familiare!  Love you!

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