Alright, guess what I did? I butchered my dress! Then I reassembled it as this beautiful skirt! I think it is quite attractive! Anywho, I really enjoy this skirt. I am going to wear it on Sunday, to church. Yup. Definitely.

Anyway, I am going to my friends birthday party and I did not feel like going to the store. Why not you ask? Well, because I am lazy and don't like actually looking around for stuff and whatnot. So! I made a sock monkey. Yes. That is what I did. I actually ended up having to go to the store anyway for stuffing and socks. So I trekked to Walmart, and found stuffing which I proceeded to carry around the store in a quest for knee socks. News flash: Cedar Hills Walmart does not freaking carry knee socks!!! I was so wierded out that I came home and informed my mother, she handed me some of her socks and I butchered those as well. I seem to butcher a lot of stuff in this post. That's why I changed the title. Anyway, I need to go stop my brother from killing the sock monkey. See ya,
艾瑪屠夫! Have fun being human!
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