"The coolest blog ever!" -Emma Rose "Inspiring" -Emma Rose "Funny" -Emma Rose "The only blog I read!" -Emma Rose "I simply adore it!" -Emma Rose "When I reach one thousand page views I will be so excited I might just give away an EPIC Prize!" -Emma Rose

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Little White Dress.

     Hellooooooooooooooooo! I made a little white dress! I think it is my favorite dress that I have ever built in my whole entire life!

     It has really cool little ruffle sleeves, and POCKETS (the best feature of any dress)!  Anyway, it excites me so much that I wore it to school yesterday.  It has lots of ruffles, I made it specifically to wear with my combat boots.  It totally balances out the punkiness of my hair, and boots and stuff.  However, it did not manage to balance out all this and my leather jacket.... Oh well, I still looked awesome.

     Also pictured here you can see the best belt in the world.  It has been likened to a sleeping bag thing and a seat belt.  It's also my basically my favorite belt.  It has one of those buckles commonly found on backpacks.  like, to take the pressure off your shoulders or whatever (by the way, those things work, and are wonderful when on a vacuum... a Ghostbusters vacuum, not a normal one). 

     Anywho, I have to go finish my chores.  Love you all! Have an excellent day.  Remember who you are.  Calculator!

     P.S.  Sorry about my eyes, they look really creepy, but refused to be fixed, I tried like ten million times.  Promise.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm ba-ack!

     Hey my lovelies, I am posting to my blog.  I will continue to do this quite often for at least a year (I have a goal to post five times a week for the next year).

     Presently, I am working on this b-e-a-utiful dress.  It is not entirely finished in this picture, and when I wear it in public, I will look much skinnier.  Don't worry.
     Anyway, other then this I am working on a white dress.  I also have big plans for a ton of other fabric that I currently have, so don't worry, I will not have an excuse not to post.

     Anywho, I shall post some more tomorrow.  I love you all, and actually will post tomorrow.  Have fun storming the castle! Lates! Calculator!